Learn How to Store Carrots in Peat Moss or Wood Chips for the Winter

Want to preserve the fresh, crisp quality of your carrots over the winter months and protect them from frost? You don’t have to go through all the work of canning or freezing. The simple, effective, age-old method that our grandparents once used is to store them in peat moss or wood chips. Here’s how…

First you harvest your carrots. If they are muddy or dirty, you can rinse them off with water, but (DO NOT FORGET THIS STEP) make sure you dry them before storing them. Then, to harden the outer layer of skin for long-term storage of your carrots, place them out in the sunshine for a day or two. If you can’t leave them outdoors, place them on a tarp in a dry spot. 

You’ll want to cut off the tops to prevent regrowth during storage. Then just place about four inches of peat moss or wood chips in the bottom of a container. Plastic tubs with handles and lids will make things easy. Create a layer of carrots that do not touch each other and then top with your peat moss or wood chips and keep layering. Your final layer should be peat moss or wood chips.

Store your carrots in a cool, dark place, checking them monthly to ensure that your peat moss or wood chips have not totally dried out. You want your peat moss or wood chips to remain just a little moist so that your carrots last until spring. Keep in mind that some varieties of carrots last longer in storage than others. No problem there either. Just place those on top and use them first. Here’s another bonus. Spring is the perfect time to recycle your peat moss or wood chips into your garden! 

For your peat moss or wood chips supply, feel free to visit Edgewater Yard Shop. Our landscaping experts are always on hand to help with any of your gardening questions.

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