Gardening Tips

With an unparalleled growing season and a tropical environment just begging for beautiful plantings, Florida is an exceptionally desirable environment for gardening. Here are some helpful gardening tips:

Planning is paramount for beautiful blooms. Not only will it lead to healthier plants with sun lovers basking in glorious sunlight and shade seekers getting their fill of shadowy shelter, it will enable you to create landscaping of which dreams are made. 

Think of your yard as a blank canvas to fill with a delightful balance of greenery, color and texture. Just be careful not to overdo the variation, as the goal is natural flow as opposed to a disjointed hodgepodge. This goes for garden ornaments as well. For example, while a birdbath and windchimes may appear enchanting and inviting, an entire family of brightly colored garden gnomes may be a bit overwhelming.

Whether straight or curved, garden edges should be well-defined with strong, bold lines. Then give your plant choices room to grow and flourish. Crowded plant and flower beds can appear messy and lead to unhealthy growth. Also consider plant height, placing taller plants toward the back and shorter blooms upfront – much like a French Club yearbook photo.

Trimming and maintenance is important too. Weed and deadhead regularly. Cut back lanky growth and prune trees and bushes at appropriate times. Don’t forget plant pot and flower box upkeep. A well-groomed and maintained garden will appear neat, clean and fresh looking.

For a professional finish, line your garden beds with an ample supply of mulch or stone.